Technical info
Camera Tracking System
Practical ceiling
The tool is composed of 4 utility which allow the startup, the monitoring and the real-time editing of elements and contents within a Virtual Set, through a startup wizard interface, a control board, an internship monitoring system and an integrative app for lighting and color correction.
The wizard interface offers the possibility to build the structure of the reference ledwall inside the 3D environment, assigning it to the nDisplay configuration system and connecting a tracking system (selectable between HTC Vive, Mo-Sys, Stype and Optitrack) to a simulated virtual camera in the 3D environment.
The Control Board gives the possibility to manage the whole system, offering to the user a tool to monitor the render nodes and their performance, with the possibility to resync their gpus, restart the devices and launch the simulation.
The Unspace Stage, as auxiliary application, allows the user to control elements related to lighting and color correction, allowing to save up to 6 presets for each environment.

Virtual Environment
The team stems from D-Wok's experience in creating virtual sets for television, theatre and opera.
The department consists of Environment Artists professionals who work from concept art, real references and scans and create the 3D digital environments that shape the world of audiovisual products.
The team works on Unreal Engine and is always updated on its upgrades.